Upcoming Events

Step Out | Walk to Stop Diabetes

We encourage you to make a donation to the American Diabetes Association(ADA) through either Jenn or Kevin by clicking one of the links below. If you choose to do so we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping those in need and there are even some incentives for donating certain amounts. Click the links to donate and see what you could get. You also have the opportunity to join The Pain Relief Center Team in collecting donation for this wonderful cause. Help us help others feel better in their bodies.

There are links below for you to see how your donation makes a difference and how your donation will be used. Also, see the links below for the ADA Facebook and Instagram Pages as well as one for Kevin's Facebook Donation Page. Go check it out.

The therapist at The Pain Relief Center are proud of what we are able to do for those in our community that are in need. We know the impact a little kindness, caring, and generosity can have on someone. We hope you're able to see your way to helping how you can.

With Much Aloha, The Pain Relief Center

The Cost

Schedule Your Treatment Today

To work with Jenn or Kevin to feel better in your body before or after any upcoming events please schedule your bodywork treatment today using the link below. Welcome in a Better You!